Wednesday, October 19, 2011

3). Set

Set is about everything having a place. Think about those questions again...

What do you use every day and need to have at your fingertips? Those items should be on the counter or top drawers, closest to point of use.

What do you use once or twice a week? Those items can be in a drawer or out of sight, but still accessible.

What do you use infrequently or seasonally? Those items can be packed away to rotate out when you need them.

Once everything has a place, it may not stay there. Other people may use it and put it in a different place. Use the sustainment phase to evaluate if there is a better place, especially for others in your family. Remember, this is about continuous improvement.

2). Scrub

Once you have an area cleared, it is a good time for some deep cleaning. It feels better to put items away in a tidy area, plus it will help you identify if some areas gather more dust than others.

While you are cleaning, make note of specific areas that are dirtier than others.
Are they high traffic areas?
Should those areas be cleaned more frequently?
Is it caused by something that could be prevented?

Example: the shelves in my fridge get dirty faster than the drawers. Partly because some members of the family do not wipe drips off the side of a bottle, but also because frozen things sometimes leak while thawing.
I can address the dripping cause by reviewing it with my family. I can also plan to put frozen items in a bowl while defrosting in the fridge.
Either way, I will probably need to wipe off the shelves once a week, to make sure there is no buildup in the future.