Sustain is always the most difficult because it involves forming new habits. I have heard it takes 21 days to create a habit, so if we started on New Years, it should be getting easier.
You must get in a routine of clearing the counter every day and putting things away. I usually do this after I wash the dishes. Although I have not created a formal "command center," I have bins for both my husband and myself. At the end of the day I move anything left on the counter into these bins.
Although I started this process on my own, I have noticed others in my family putting things away more often. I also clear the living room of toys and books every night and now my toddler puts his cars away in the right bin...most of the time.
There are going to be days that slip. On the weekends, I am a little more lax about getting dishes done and counter cleared, but I make sure to get it done the next day.
I have mentioned that 5S is an iterative process. Part of Sustain is to evaluate how it is working. There have been a couple of instances that my husband could not find something or I forgot where I put the measuring cups. I made a mental note of that and am evaluating if I want to make adjustments.
The intent of this process is to create a place for everything at the point of use. If you can not find something, it is either in the wrong place or not labeled well enough (or you just need to get in the habit of looking in the new location). Re-evaluate your area after at least 21 days.
Another big key of Sustain is to develop a regular checklist of when to clean, inspect and revisit the area. I will be using the Real Simple app to create my checklists. I have one for weekly and monthly cleaning.
On a daily basis, I have a set routine:
- wash dishes
- clear counter
- wipe counter and sink
- prep lunches for the next day.
I am also updating my calendar (electronically and/or paper) to include an annual 5S and deep clean once a year (in January), as well as some quarterly reminders (like changing water filters).
In the end, you should waste less time looking for things and putting things away, because everything has a place and everyone helps put it back in its place.
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